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Lactation Consultant helping mother and baby breastfeeding
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Julie Tower

 - RN - BSN - IBCLC -
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My passion for helping breastfeeding mamas and babies began when I faced challenges breastfeeding my third baby. I had breastfed my first 2  (after having rocky starts with both!), so things surely should have gone smoothly for my third, right?! Well, I discovered that every baby is different, and every breastfeeding journey is very different! My 3rd baby also came along with breastfeeding challenges, and if it wasn’t for the help of a lactation consultant, my breastfeeding journey would have ended long before it did. This was the start of my pursuit to become certified as an internationally board certified lactation consultant, IBCLC. With my 9 years of experience working as a nurse in a children’s hospital (18 years total as a RN),  I already had a lot of experience working with infants and children, so becoming an IBCLC allowed me to give moms the expert care in breastfeeding in addition to giving expert care to their babies! I truly found my passion in providing lactation care and I have had the pleasure of working with hundreds of mother baby dyads in the past 9 years as a lactation consultant. My experience includes bedside lactation support in the labor & delivery unit, postpartum unit, NICU, private practice in lactation, breast-feeding support groups, Tele-health, and prenatal education.


With advanced training in oral motor function, holistic lactation, & complex cases, I offer expert support for lactation, bottle feeding, and all infant feeding needs!

My goal is to help YOU reach your feeding goal, whatever that may be. I will support you while giving you the tools and support that will help you achieve those goals. Your feeding journey should be a happy one for both you and your baby! My hope is to provide you with the warmth and love that I received during those early, challenging days of motherhood and feeding. You can do this! Let’s do it together!

Servicing Hartford County and Tolland County, CT & Hampden County, MA

Please contact Sweetly Nourish Lactation for any service requests outside of travel radius. All inquires considered.

Lactation Consultant IBCLC
 - RN - BSN - IBCLC -

Julie Tower


Office located in Manchester, CT

112 Spencer Street Suite 3A

Lactation consultant with mother and baby

Services & FAQ


Preparing for
Babies Arrival

After Your
Baby is Born...



"Julie- you have been SO incredibly helpful in the early stages of my motherhood journey. You steered us in the right direction to get my baby the help he needs and you gave me the hope, guidance, and compassion I desperately needed to get through some of the hardest weeks of my life. You are truly amazing at what you do and we are so lucky to have stumbled upon you in our time of need. I wasn’t sure about the whole virtual thing but our experience with you was above and beyond anything we could have asked for. I was all but ready to give up on breastfeeding but you helped me to identify the barriers and find resolutions to continue feeding my son in the best way possible. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!"

Angie K.
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